This inquisitive little fellow is the Australian Goanna. He is approximately 4 "1/2" feet long. Carnivorous and rather shy. No know predators amongst other native wild life and can grow to about 12 feet in length
Ilana and I love the Australian way of life. Camping is our number one hobby. We are what you might call traditional campers. In saying that we only use a swag. No need for tents or t.v's. Get out there and just enjoy nature is our motto. Hope you enjoy all the places we have been. If you have any idea's on better places to go please blog us and let us know. We will endevour to get there and then post our pic's on here.
This inquisitive little fellow is the Australian Goanna. He is approximately 4 "1/2" feet long. Carnivorous and rather shy. No know predators amongst other native wild life and can grow to about 12 feet in length