Sunday, January 24, 2010

How sad is it that man and idiots can cause the near extinction of Australia's most harmless and gentle Marsupial

Ilana and I to date have NEVER seen one of Australia's most harmless and gentle Marsupials in their natural environments whilst we have been Swag camping.
Why I hear you ask?
Well there are quite a few reason's for this, a few reasons being good, but unfortunately many being the result of man and idiots.
The Native Australian Koala (hey, it is silly to put Australian in there, as they live no where else on this planet but here in beautiful Australia) (Phascolarctos cinereus) is a thickset arboreal marsupial herbivore that is totally harmless to man and completely defenseless. This marsupial is very adapt at camouflage when in its natural environment, and only eats 20 varieties of some 680 different varieties of eucalypt. Man's need for greater land usage for a growing population and industry have seen the natural habit of this quiet and harmless marsupial being reduced at an alarming rate. With this deforestation the displaced Koala will travel to find more specialised trees, often being killed or injured by motor vehicles, domestic animals and sadly the most vicious of all animals, Idiots with slug guns, sling shots, rifles and clubs, who set out to torture, maim, torment and kill these beautiful natives of ours.
Rather than being distressed at being a member of the homo sapian group, I feel that the genetic sewerage that make up those that purposely set out to harm this defenseless animal should be expunged from our living gene pool, flushed as it was down the sewer. Exterminate the future criminal from rising through the scum of evolution to evolve from animal torture to one of killing other higher members of the gene pool. My proposed method, high velocity intra cranial lead therapy or low velocity intra hepatic steel therapy. Let the scum of the gene pool feel exactly what torture feels like, with out the valuable cost to our health system.
I have had my ten seconds of out rage, now its your turn dear reader.
Ilana and I had to see these beautiful harmless and truly magnificent marsupials in a zoo, how pathetic is that.
Please get on board and help SAVE and PROTECT this icon that epitomises AUSTRALIA, and causes only smiles, wonderment, happiness and enjoyment when we see them. Hear the Koala's plea's for help and only you and I can make this happen.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Borumba Dam Deer Park QLD

Well yet another week over and it saw Ilana and I pack up the car and head off towards Imbil, North West of Brisbane to Borumba Dam and Deer Park. The drive is approximately 2 hrs from Brisbane. The deer park is owned and run by Col and Rosa Huddy. The Deer Park has 5 Different types of Accommodation options. Deluxe Cabin, Budget Cabin On Site Vans, Powered Sites and Camping. Our Camping site was appropriately called Goanna Gully. Cost for camping was only $10.00 per night per person. Steve gives quite an insightful commentary on the four different types of deer they have at the park. The kiosk offers Canoe / Kayak hire. The Deer Park offers a Childrens Playground as well. Fire wood is for sale by the crate or the wheel barrow load. Our site was located by the swimming hole (therefore very busy traffic area). The Park offers a large communal cooking area with gas appliances and a large projection screen television for those must not miss footy games. There are some bush ticks currently present, one found my head a nice place to dig into, but they are not poisionous. A short drive up the road will lead to Borumba Dam face, and an area where people can launch there water craft. We noticed another camp site on the way up to the Dam wall. It was much smaller than the Deer Park, but there were not as many kids there due to not having the amenities for children.

Monday, September 21, 2009


One of Australia's most famous birds, the Native Australian Kingfisher,
or The kookaburra is the largest kingfisher. The laughing kookaburra has a short thick body with a very large head with a dark eye streak. Their colourings are mainly brown with black markings on top with a creamy whit underbelly and head, and "mottled" blue patch on their wings. They are famous for their laughing calls which usually occur at dawn and dusk and is in fact the kookaburra "marking out" its territory